7 Replies to “Your Comments are Welcome”

  1. There are memories that are repressed in the Gospel of Mark. Now only an eyewitness had a way of knowing about those events and could have repressed their memory. Mark was not an eyewitness. He could not have repressed those memories. His source must have. According to Papias, Peter was the source of Mark. His gospel confirms the testimony of Papias.

    1. Hi. I have discussed the burial by Joseph of Arimathea in my paper, “Two Burial Stories in the Gospel of John.” You can download a PDF copy of that paper from the Home Page.
      In what pertains to your first question, I would say that two factors allow me to reach that conclusion. First the testimony of Papias says that Peter was the source of Mark. Second, this is confirmed by my study of Mark. There are in Mark’s narrative traces of repressed memories. Only an eyewitness could have done so. Only an eyewitness had a way of knowing what had happened, and could have felt the need to repress its memory.
      We repress memories of unacceptable events as a way of rejecting them or making them disappear. This is done unconsciously.

  2. Joseph,
    I will pray for you that you will eventually be awakened from this fraudulent and self-aggrandizing effort to defame the name of Jesus by misinterpreting Scripture and working against the Holy Spirit. It is truly interesting that you call what has been studied by massive amount of scholars over the years and place your theories and “revelations” above people who have addressed the questions you raise and the assertions you make. You are leading people astray by your faulty scholarship and Satanic deception of people who do not have sound theological back ground.
    I don’t know how I began to get your emails but I would like you to discontinue sending them to me. I am interested only in the truth of scripture not the rantings of a false prophet Jesus predicted would arise in the last times.
    You continually “beg-the-question” by starting with your conclusion in order to prove your premises and the conclusion you purport to be sound when you obviously have little to no understanding of sound and valid philosophical thought . You are the worst kind of “scholar” imaginable and it would be laughable if it weren’t for the fact that you are leading people astray.
    Please discontinue any and all emails from you or anyone connected with your Christianfable nonsense. What is really sad is that you think the assertions you make are new revelation when your variety of heresy has been around since the 1st century and have been debunked by much more knowledgeable people who are sincerely interested in the truth. The only reason why someone would do what you are doing is because they hate Christianity and Christians and really are not concerned about the truth.
    Anyone who is reading my post please stop frequenting this blog because it is a deception from the pit of hell. Save yourself. Leave and never return.
    but I have a suspicion that my post will never see the light of day and readers will probably not be allowed to view it.

    1. Hello Mark,
      I have read your comment. It will be visible to anyone who visit my site. I think that there is a much better way of defending the traditional faith. Just show where I go wrong in my interpretation of the gospel. Start with the two burial stories that are found in John.

      Joseph Codsi

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